Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Downgrade DZ ke Froyo 1,34 untuk Root dan S-Off

Sumber: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=905261

Melakukan hal ini akan menghapus data2 yg ada di phone, silahkan backup data sebelumnya!! Syaratnya harus memiliki ADB yg dapat didownload dari developer.android.com

Cek InfoCID dengan cara

adb reboot bootloader
fastboot oem boot

Jika InfoCID tidak terdaftar seperti list dibawah ini, maka harus membuat goldcard


Here is a great guide how to make a goldcard, follow the first part and come back here then.

  1. Get theses 3 files:
    https://github.com/tmzt/g2root-kmod/...euter/psneuter (right click > save as...)

    Since this uses some security holes to gain root privileges on your phone some antivirus programs on your pc might warn you that this contains a virus. Thats not the case!

    Originally Posted by MikeChannon It might be worth saying in the thread that android/Exploit.ragecage.A is the exploit being used to gain root and Users should not worry about the warning some software will give.
  2. Extract misc_version_01.zip (only misc_version is needed)
  3. Get the PC10IMG.zip from here or download the full RUU from here.
    If you already downloaded the 1.34 RUU somewhere else you can skip this step.
  4. Code:
    adb push psneuter /data/local/tmp
    adb push misc_version /data/local/tmp
    adb  shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/psneuter
    adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/misc_version
    adb shell /data/local/tmp/psneuter
    adb shell
  5. Check if you have the '#' sign instead of the '$'
    If you see the '#' sign you got root!
  6. Code:
    /data/local/tmp/misc_version -s 1.33.405.5
  7. If you have downloaded the 1.34.405.5_PC10IMG.zip copy it to you SD-Card and rename it to PC10IMG.zip.

    If you downloaded the full RUU or had it already execute the exe file (mine is called RUU_Vision_HTC_WWE_1.34.405.5_Radio_12.28b.60.140e _26.03.02.26_M_release_155556_signed.exe), start explorer and type %temp% in the adress bar.
    Look in all the folders starting with a { sign and also in the sub directories if it also starts with a { sign, in one of the subdirectories there should be a rom.zip file with 298.442.206 bytes and the MD5 sum 2ff42897cd27e0db425a2cf36c8bd078.
    Copy this rom.zip to your SD-Card on the phone and rename it to PC10IMG.zip
  8. Code:
    adb reboot bootloader
    (or turn your phone of and on again while holding the trackbad).
  9. Wait till the phone is in bootloader mode (white screen should look like this but with other infos http://www.brutzelstube.de/wp-conten...0/09/hboot.jpg)
  10. Select bootloader (vol +/- buttons for navigation and power button for select).
  11. Wait for the phone to scan the sdcard, once it's done it will ask you if you want to start the update. Confirm it and wait till it's done. Reboot with powerbutton when asked.
  12. After the reboot check for version informations, it should show this:

  13. Enable USB-Debugging on your phone
  14. Extract root.zip
  15. Code:
    adb install AndroidTerm.apk
    adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/
    adb push gfree /data/local/tmp/
    adb push rage /data/local/tmp
    adb push root /data/local/tmp/
    adb shell chmod 0755 /data/local/tmp/*
    adb push su /sdcard/
    adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/
  16. Start the Terminal app on your phone and type:
  17. Wait until you see the message "Forked #### childs.", reset Terminal (menu > Reset Term). The Terminal app will close, launch it again. It will force close, launch it again.
    You should see the magic '#' sign again.
  18. Next type in the terminal
    /data/local/tmp/gfree -f
    , this will turn Security off (S-OFF), remove SIM Lock and set CID to 11111111.
  19. Last step in terminal app on your phone is to execute these commands.
    This will root your phone. It's possible that you get an error message "mkdir: /system/xbin already exists", don't worry everything should be ok.
    After that restart your phone.
  20. Now get ROM Manager and install the recovery image from there. If you are happy with the 1.34 software everything is done here, if not you can flash anything you want now.

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